Ten tips for the ultimate customer experience!

create the ultimate customer experience with digital signage

“Retail is detailed.” It may sound like a cliché but it’s the truth. If you want to sell, you have to have everything in order. Everything has to be right. Today, it’s all about the ultimate customer experience. According to the American magazine Forbes, by 2020 the most important reason for choosing a particular store or a specific brand will be customer experience.

Reason enough to take a critical look at your store. Ask yourself the following questions: What is the audience experience in your store? Do they feel at ease? Are they inspired? Do they take the time to look around? With the right tools, you can ensure the ultimate customer experience. It’s the absolute driving force behind sales.

They will experience it with you.  
As a retailer, you have something they will never find online: a unique atmosphere and helpful staff. That is exactly why people come to you. Not to buy something directly, but to experience something. If the experience is right, then the spending comes naturally.

Customer experience: your key to additional turnover
An optimal customer experience makes an impression. Moreover, you ensure customers feel comfortable so they return to you. It’s a guaranteed payback because on average, acquiring a new customer is as much as seven times more expensive than maintaining an existing customer relationship.

Complaints? Follow them! 
The modern consumer is more assertive than ever.  That is great if they share their good experiences with others, but potentially disastrous if a badly managed complaint leads to a story on social media. Always take complaints seriously and eradicate negativity with flawless processing. Research has shown that it takes no less than twelve positive experiences to repair the damage caused by one unresolved negative experience.

Has your store connected to your website? And vice versa? 
Anyone who has a good website alongside a good shop (and these days who doesn’t have a website) will double the benefit. Presuming your website matches the experience within your store that ensures a great experience that continues onto the computer and mobile phones of your audience.

It’s the total experience that counts. It’s important to offer a coherent experience where the physical store and website complement each other. By listing your store inventory on your website or arranging your website to enable purchases to be picked up in the store.

All of this is achievable with digital signage displays.




Easyscreen: One-stop-shop Digital Signage Software

easyscreen digital signage software

Here at Easyscreen, we are a one-stop shop. So we can help you every step of the way. We can provide you with your digital signage displays and media players, but also much more. We supply you with our platform’s content creation and management software and then take care of installation and maintenance.

Want to know more about digital signage? Read our full guide to digital signage


Free Digital Signage Software Demo

We are confident that your company will experience the benefits of digital signage with out software and help, just like our other customers across many industries already do. That’s why we offer a free trial.

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